The Chautauqua Advantage
What is the Chautauqua Advantage?
Our talented people, place and strong parent company create a uniquely collegial, idea-rich environment. This perfectly suits our long-term investment philosophy and maximizes our ability to execute a rigorous, collaborative process. Discover a differentiated approach to global and international investing.
There is no single trait or tactic but rather the sum of many and the way they come together that distinguish Chautauqua Capital Management from other global equity investment managers:
Team Culture
We are a collaborative group of diverse individuals united in our purpose and approach. Each possesses a differentiated area of expertise but also significant experience as a generalist. Combined, these specific skills and specialized knowledge bring broader understanding to our investment analysis. This gives us the confidence to let curiosity lead ideation with the humility necessary to know and cover each other’s blind spots.
Independent Thinking
We will not outperform by investing in the same crowded ideas as everyone else. Our goal is to add value through differentiated alpha. Being in a thoughtful but remote location such as Boulder, Colorado allows us to remain focused on the long-term fundamentals that drive intrinsic value rather than short-term issues that drive share price volatility.
Our Approach
Our ability to generate alpha and manage risk is based on a long-term investment philosophy and process. Fads come and go but the enduring nature of our approach is as valid today as it was when initially employed. Our foundation is built on a philosophy that successful active management is best deployed in concentrated, conviction weighted portfolios of high-quality stocks managed over the long term.
The Strength of Baird
A long-term perspective requires a parent who is long term. As a private, employee-owned firm, Baird has demonstrated commitment to and pride in its asset management businesses. Baird’s support in non-investment functions allows our team to avoid distraction and focus on delivering the best investment performance and service to our clients. Our partnership with Baird gives us the staying power to fully execute our long-term philosophy and process.