
The Chautauqua Global Growth Equity strategy invests in equity securities of both U.S. and non-U.S. companies with large market capitalizations and strives to consistently outperform its benchmark index over an investment cycle. The differentiated and focused strategy is normally diversified among at least 10 countries, investing primarily in developed markets with exposure to emerging markets. The portfolio contains high-quality companies that employ better governance and disclosure, more conservative accounting, less financial leverage, and “best-in-class” management, reducing the risk of negative surprises. In addition to generating high risk-adjusted returns, this approach creates upside market participation and downside protection.

Portfolio Construction

  • Concentrated portfolio of generally 35-45 stocks
  • Positions are typically 1-6% at the time of purchase
  • Market caps typically in excess of $5 billion at the time of purchase
  • Sector weights limited to 50% of portfolio
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ALL DATA AS OF 12/31/2024
QTR YTD 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Since Inception
Global Growth (Gross) -2.49 17.50 17.50 3.32 12.37 12.37 14.82
Global Growth (Net) -2.66 16.68 16.68 2.59 11.55 11.51 13.94
MSCI AC World Index -0.99 17.49 17.49 5.44 10.06 9.23 10.65
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Global Growth (Gross) 17.50 17.26 -19.94 18.58 36.96 32.26 -13.07 38.97 2.26 9.64
Global Growth (Net) 16.68 16.42 -20.51 17.71 35.88 31.22 -13.77 37.90 1.44 8.77
MSCI AC World Index 17.49 22.20 -18.36 18.54 16.25 26.60 -9.42 23.97 7.86 -2.36
  • Disclosure

    Past performance does not guarantee future results. Gross of fee returns are supplemental to net of fee returns. Returns are presented gross and net of management fees and include the reinvestment of all income. Net of fee performance was calculated using the maximum management fee of 0.80% from inception through June 2021 and 0.70% from July 2021 forward. Actual investment advisory fees may vary across accounts and result in different net returns.

    The separate accounts are available to institutions and persons with a minimum account asset value of $100,000,000, which is negotiable in certain instances.